Underfloor Insulation

With the use of the Foilboard® Flexi-fast fastener, Foilboard® GREEN rigid panel is perfect for retrofitting to existing flooring systems.

Foilboard® GREEN is light weight, easy to cut and manoeuvre into place, making it the perfect underfloor insulation.


Underfloor Insulation

With the use of the Foilboard® Flexi-fast fastener, Foilboard® GREEN rigid panel is perfect for retrofitting to existing flooring systems.

Foilboard® GREEN is light weight, easy to cut and manoeuvre into place, making it the perfect underfloor insulation.


Underfloor Insulation

With the use of the Foilboard® Flexi-fast fastener, Foilboard® GREEN rigid panel is perfect for retrofitting to existing flooring systems.

Foilboard® GREEN is light weight, easy to cut and manoeuvre into place, making it the perfect underfloor insulation.